Monday, January 23, 2012

a year full of dates

with the construction of the house, my best friend's wedding, and let's face it... life,
 dates have been a little hard to come by.

 don't get me worng, i am very grateful for our many nights on the couch with home cooked meals or (ahem) carry-out, and of course the company of my love... but i think we both deserve a night out every now and then with just each other.

so i created a little memory book of pre-planned dates for 2012. i gave it to garrett, hoping he wouldn't think it was too cheesy, but cheesy is exactly what we need right now. i wanted him to know how thankful i truly am for all of the hard work he is doing on the house right now.

the instructions are that at the beginning of each month, he opens the envelope and then has the entire month to decide when to use that date. now of course some (i.e. concerts, classes, etc.) are already pre-planned on a specific date. i have made lots of mental notes of things he has casually mentioned over the last year.

 so january's date (which probably means nothing to anyone but us) was a complete surprise to garrett, because it was something he mentioned a while ago not thinking i was probably even listening.

anywho, date night is this week, and i couldn't be more excited.
oh and garrett is already trying to peek at februrary :)

pics to follow.

happy monday. vacation is officially over. boo.

love, linds

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